Saturday, December 31, 2016

I AM A QUEEN © By Derrick Pringle Sr.

She moves with ease, as she focuses on her peace, love, happiness and the elimination of negativity. She’s the extremity of love like no other, embracing her temple and all it process, while standing by her king through the moments of potential stress. Although she is sweet, she gives of a leadership reflection and her words are discreet. Her mind is consumed with focus and here destination has been written, and all her actions will demonstrate this description. She believes action speaks louder than words and in her socialism this factor must exist; she’s the guardian of all, while fighting the demons that persist.

She’s always observant and aware, noticing everyone and everything that’s there. She lives war, just as much as she lives peace. Because she knows the victory over the enemy only will keep her free. Every step she takes is accounted for, and she will be careful before she opens the next door. She is the greatest gift, she is a king’s dream, she is the opposite of his dirt and in his heart she is the only thing clean. She represents her kingdom in a way only the God could commence, putting him first by protecting his temple, keeping it cleansed. She resonate extreme beauty when she steps on the scene, as her soul consistently reminds her, saying, “I am a queen”.

Written by Derrick Pringle Sr. Copyright © 2013 Derrick Pringle Sr. All Rights Reserved

Elevation Above Status “Inspirations” Vol 1.Influenced by the experiences and the spiritual revelations of its author, and the belief of inspiring and educating humanity. By reading Elevation Above Status “inspirations”, The author is sure you will have a different outlook on life, greater spiritual connection with your soul, receive multiple confirmations on previous life experience conclusions and use many of the teachings in your everyday Activities.

In 2009, the President of Variable Enhancement Services founded and written a program called Elevation Above Status, designated towards uplifting spirits and giving individuals a better outlook on life, motivating their ability to make appropriate decisions pertaining to life's long accomplishments. In 2010 Derrick Pringle Sr. began to write what he know to become inspirational elevations. These elevations soon became the handbook issued to program members who suddenly became very enlightened by the lessons learned. Get your copy today!

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