Monday, March 7, 2016


(UNDERESTIMATING THE UNDERESTIMATED)Sounds vague, maybe even hard to believe, although it's the silence that sounds...
Posted by Elevation Above Status by Derrick D Pringle Sr on Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Elevation Above Status “Inspirations” Vol 1.Influenced by the experiences and the spiritual revelations of its author, and the belief of inspiring and educating humanity. By reading Elevation Above Status “inspirations”, The author is sure you will have a different outlook on life, greater spiritual connection with your soul, receive multiple confirmations on previous life experience conclusions and use many of the teachings in your everyday Activities.

In 2009, the President of Variable Enhancement Services founded and written a program called Elevation Above Status, designated towards uplifting spirits and giving individuals a better outlook on life, motivating their ability to make appropriate decisions pertaining to life's long accomplishments. In 2010 Derrick Pringle Sr. began to write what he know to become inspirational elevations. These elevations soon became the handbook issued to program members who suddenly became very enlightened by the lessons learned. Get your copy today!

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Sounds vague, maybe even hard to believe, although it's the silence that sounds louder, a chance at real love you feel the need to achieve, you give it your all, because your eyes live in your heart and through this organ you see, knowing the good your giving others and it’s what you’re expecting to receive, but the world doesn't make sense and doesn't take responsibility, your plagued with defense and passing the blame is an easy ability.

Nothing good comes easy, because easy comes and easy go's, you'll need to stay firm through the highs and the lows, respect the unexpected, in fact it is expected, not knowing theses facts are like living life naked. Never neglect the power you posses, your weaknesses are your strengths and when your down your at your best. Your senses become stronger and you’re striving never the less, consciousness to the world will assist in eliminating stress.

Everyone plays the fool sometimes and even gets humiliated, you'll say to yourself, “They have some nerve”, because your intelligence they've degraded, It’s been so long but you still move on, although the time you feel has been wasted, this is a lesson we all will learn when underestimating the underestimated.

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