Monday, April 15, 2019

April Symmes: Peace And Serenity ©

"Im April Symmes, I am in peace and its the peace I release.
I've received the love of which I've always believed.

I am free to be and can extremely breathe. The happiness I have so there is no need to grieve.

See me as you know of me to be.
I am of music, harmony and the melodies that fill your dreams.

I was blinded by the unGodliness that surrounded me. I now have a flight over the captivity, and I can finally see.
There was a mess in the flesh, overwhelming my structure, and attempting to alter my best, but I'm blessed.I received love, although there was a time, I thought I would never know what this was.

I have favor, GOD Is real and has seen me through me and all of the obstructing energy. I now have clarity and true prosperity.

It's not for you to remember me, because it's not the end of me.
I'm now In my peace and serenity." **** April Symmes ***

Written by Derrick Pringle Sr. Copyright © 2018 Derrick Pringle Sr. All Rights Reserved

Influenced by the experiences and the spiritual revelations of its author, and the belief of inspiring and educating humanity. By reading Elevation Above Status “inspirations”, The author is sure you will have a different outlook on life, greater spiritual connection with your soul, receive multiple confirmations on previous life experience conclusions and use many of the teachings in your everyday Activities.
In 2009, the President of Variable Enhancement Services founded and written a program called Elevation Above Status, designated towards uplifting spirits and giving individuals a better outlook on life, motivating their ability to make appropriate decisions pertaining to life's long accomplishments. In 2010 Derrick Pringle Sr. began to write what he know to become inspirational elevations. These elevations soon became the handbook issued to program members who suddenly became very enlightened by the lessons learned. Get your copy today!

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