Monday, April 13, 2015

What It Really Is © (Poem) By Derrick D Pringle Sr.

I thought I was the one who was doing wrong, but unbeknownst to me, I had no clue of what was going on. I've blamed myself of the pain you received, although in reality you chose me to deceive. All this time I was raking my brain and allowed the love I have for you to drive me insane. All of this time I took responsibility of being the bad one, and I've never seen fault in you when it was all said and done.

They say love is blind, and you wouldn't be able to see the tree's from the forest, but awakening to reality of your selfishness is the hardest. This is not our love; it's the love you want to live, adding up and holding me accountable of everything you give. This isn't pure, and it sure isn't right, love comes with trust, selflessness and respect, you shouldn't have to fight.

I believed in you, and when I asked a question, I looked in your eyes, but now you see tears in mines, because all you did was lie. I never asked of this, in fact, I distinctly explained all of my concerns in the beginning, I told you my deepest emotions and how we could avoid an ending. You also did the same and I felt your previous pain, anything I needed to adjust, I committed to change.

I adored the ground you walked on and my confidence in us was great; I longed to see you and to be in your presence, just for that moment, I couldn't wait. I'm learning now, although this lesson hasn't been fun, most love only love itself and God only make the exception of that one, all other loves are just a confusion, by keeping you in a fantasy and living an illusion. My focus has extended, and Ill be more careful in the love I live, because I had to learn the hard way that everything is the opposite of what it really is.

Written by Derrick Pringle Sr.
Copyright © 2014 Derrick Pringle Sr. All Rights Reserved

Elevation Above Status “Inspirations” Vol 1.Influenced by the experiences and the spiritual revelations of its author, and the belief of inspiring and educating humanity. By reading Elevation Above Status “inspirations”, The author is sure you will have a different outlook on life, greater spiritual connection with your soul, receive multiple confirmations on previous life experience conclusions and use many of the teachings in your everyday Activities.

In 2009, the President of Variable Enhancement Services founded and written a program called Elevation Above Status, designated towards uplifting spirits and giving individuals a better outlook on life, motivating their ability to make appropriate decisions pertaining to life's long accomplishments. In 2010 Derrick Pringle Sr. began to write what he know to become inspirational elevations. These elevations soon became the handbook issued to program members who suddenly became very enlightened by the lessons learned. Get your copy today!

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